Cathy makes a fool of herself over the next year...

...This is justified by the fact that it is all for a very good cause!

I am raising as much money as humanly possible for Practical Action - a development charity who aim to change lives with simple solutions. Their motto is 'Technolgy changing poverty'. I will be posting plenty of information about the work that they do and latest news throughout my fundraising venture. This is their website.

This blog is the first stop for you to laugh at my fundraising attempts, the majority of which will be unashamedly ridiculous in nature! There will be plenty of updates on what's going on, photos just for your amusement and I will keep you in the know about all the events which will be organised over the coming year. For anyone who knows me, there should be NO DOUBT that these will be well worth attending - I have MANY ideas and am beginning to organise various unusual and/ or crazy events to suit everyone. A good time is pretty much GUARANTEED!

If you think I'm crazy normally, you ain't seen nothin' yet!! Even I am not entirely sure of the lengths to which I will have to go to raise this money, so let's get this thing started and find out!!

Saturday, 9 July 2011

The Big Ten!!!

The idea is to complete a set of challenges once sufficient sponsorship has been raised (a set amount for each one). I am asking people to choose an individual challenge when they sponsor me and as soon as a target is reached, the challenge will be completed in a most likely hilarious fashion! The results and photos will then be posted on here!
This is the initial list of the challenges, but I am completely open to other suggestions. If at the end of fundraising some of the challenges haven't reached their target, I will either do the challenge anyway if there is nearly enough sponsorship, or will split the money evenly between the more popular challenges until all remaining targets are reached. This means that every pound donated will definitely contribute towards some form of public humiliation on my part, so will clearly be a good investment!!
Anyway, here is the initial list and sponsorship targets:

  1. Dye my hair a crazy colour. There will be a poll nearer to the time so that it is YOU GUYS who decide which colour to go for! My hair will remain in this condition for a significant amount of time before I will eventually dye it back to its original/ more sane colour. Unless of course I love it - then this will be a longer term change - but my guess is that it will look ridiculous and will not suit me at all! £100
  2. Wear pyjamas for EVERYTHING- this means shopping, lectures, nights out etc. If the timing works out that the sponsorship target is raised just before a formal event or something, I will even rock up for that wearing pyjamas too! The more money raised, the longer I will do this for! So £25 for one day, £50 for two days, £75 for three days... £150 for an entire week (you'll get the last day for free on this one!!).
  3. Live for seven days on £5 (excluding rent obviously, but everything else) and also donate the money saved to charity. £75
  4. A day long sponsored silence- this will be a tough one for me, especially if this day involves a night out too! Laughter will also be included in this to make it even more challenging! £50
  5. A 10K run in fancy dress! The attire is yet to be decided, but as the distance is not particularly far, the fancy dress will be all the more ludicrous and difficult to run in! £75
  6. Long Distance Challenge. Either Coast to Coast Cycle (140 miles) or walk the length of Hadrian's Wall (84 miles). £300
  7. Dress up and act as a fictional character (to be nominated) for a day. £50

Yes, this list stops at seven and yes, I am also still completing ten challenges. I just think that it will be much more fun to get some input from you lovely people on the final three!

    1. ??
    2. ??
    3. ??

That's right, the last three are up to you to decide!!

So despite the fact that I do have ideas for the final three, I am putting it out there for you to come up with some imaginative, difficult or outrageous ideas. So use your inventiveness, comment on this post and make me regret this decision (and I'm almost positive that some of you will!!). 

Cheers, and looking forward to hearing some ideas!

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